Our Leadership

Lead Pastor

The Bailey’s began ministry at CMC in October of 2019 and are thrilled to be a part of the Cornerstone family.

Shawn and Trista were married in 2008 and began in ministry as youth pastors. They spent seven years in youth ministry before taking a position as lead pastors in 2015.

Together they have three children; Madilyn, Emily and Daniel.

The Bailey’s view their arrival at Cornerstone as an incredible opportunity to pastor a church that loves to serve, as well as flesh out their own calling as followers of Christ.

Shawn’s favourite passage of scripture is 1 Corinthians 11:1, Paul says, “Imitate me, as I imitate Christ.” It is a passage that captures the image of leading by example and learning and growing together.

Director of Outreach

Kelsey Arnold completed her BA in Biblical Studies and Theology in 2018 and is currently working on a Masters in Theology at Queen's College in St. Johns. After growing up in small-town Newfoundland, Kelsey city-hopped throughout Ontario and Newfoundland for schooling and work before landing in St. Johns in 2017.

Kelsey began attending CMC in January of 2018 on an internship position. After completing this internship, Kelsey remained involved and invested in CMC, making it her home church until accepting the Director Of Outreach position in March of 2020.

Kelsey is excited to continue partnering with Cornerstone through its many ministries in hopes of growth for all.

Kelsey's favorite passage of scripture is Philippians 4:11-13, "11 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength."

Leadership Team

Our Leadership Team is comprised of our one pastor and six members of our congregation. They work together on issues of vision and direction of Cornerstone and provide a support to the pastor as he oversees the day-to-day management of all it takes to keep us doing what we do.

Ministry Leads

We are grateful to have a great group of volunteers who oversee each of our various ministries. Whether it is Sunday School or Nursery care or Supper Bowl, we look to our volunteer base to ensure everything we do is done with excellence.

© 2021 | Cornerstone Ministry Centre